Friday 2 November 2012

How Caring for Koi Fish

Koi fish is one of the ornamental fish are much favored by lovers of ornamental fish, Koi fish besides also has a sale high value enough so that if we want to make profits business was also quite promising. But besides that the treatment is also worth noting. The following are some ways caring for Koi fish :
1.      Koi fishneed air bubbles should be available then the aquarium water pump (air bubbles producing aquarium).
2.      If using a variety of aquarium decoration or base (sand or rock) first wash until completely clean and the water is not turbid.
3.      Feed enough 2 a day and not too much (depending on the number of fish that are owned).
4.      Drain water aquarium about two weeks (depending on how long the water dirty faster) for not taking aquarium filter disposal. If there are more budget could use a better filter.
5.      At the aquarium darin before disposal took first about a dipper (bucket) of waterin the aquarium. Then take Koi fish using nets or mesh (do not use your hands).
6.      Place the fish in the aquarium water that has been taken in the bailer. Then clean the aquarium can with a brush or sponge cleaning.
7.      If so, refill tank with fresh water, and then enter the Koi fish along with the water still in the bucket. This is to prevent stress and let Koi fish can quickly adapt again.
8.      Repeat the above steps regulary and routinely.

Additional tips : 
If at any time a power failure and water pump or air bubbles die one solution try reducing the water in the aquarium so may last longer.

GOOD TRY !!!!! ^_^

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