Friday 2 November 2012

The Enchanting Breed Betta Fish

Betta fish enthusiasts increasingly many, be it from the children to adults. Due to the addition of ornamental fish apparently can also be pretty exciting when pitted Tentera. This fish is also called fish and game is the latin name Betta Splendens, including in the family Anabantidae (Labirynth Fisher). Betta fish tails and fins when it expands captivate lovers of ornamental fish. Color fish commonly known as Betta Fish is really interesting, and for the cultivation of these animals also do not need a large place, so it can be done at home.
As a container for fish or aquarium, we can also use bottled water bottles that the former course, we can get easily around the house. To feed the fish Betta fish food does not require expensive, pretty swatch dead mosquitoes, mosquito larvae or reserving a few fibers of the meat side dishes that we eat everyday.

Characteristics of fish hickey :
Characteristics possessed by ornamental male Betta fish is a wonderful addition to the color, fins were long ang resembles a comb serit, so often called hickey serit. While the color does not attract female fish (dull) and the form of fins shorter than the male.
Characteristisc of male fish for spawning :
1.      Age ±4 months.
2.      Body shape and fins long and beautifully colored.
3.      Movement is aggressive and agile.
4.      Healthy body condition (not desease).

The characteristics of the female :
1.      Age has reached ±4 months.
2.      Rounded body shape signifies ready to mate.
3.      His movements were slow.
4.      The fins short and unattractive color.
5.      Healthy body condition.

Spawning and fish care :
After holding hickey ornamental container prepared as well as the next steps are done spawning, namely :
1.      Prepare the container basin / small aquarium and clean.
2.      Fill the container with water at a height of 15-30 cm.
3.      Enter the parent male Betta fish for 1 day in advance.
4.      Cover the container with a lid anything.
5.      A day later (late afternoon) the mother has cooked egg spawning inserted into the container.
6.      Usually in the morning the fish are spawning and stuck in a foam nest prepared by the male parent.
7.      Parent females and males removed immediately left to take care of the eggs until they hatch.
Enlargement children :
1.      When a Betta fish fry are able to swim and have exhausted the egg yolks, had to be prepared for a larger place where enlargement.
2.      Maove the tiller with parent males.
3.      Then the seeds were fed fish and water fleas closed container.
4.      Ten days later the fish were moved to another place
5.      And then every single week, the fish were moved to another palce to grow faster.

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